Cubby mit Werbefläche
Diese Strandumkleidekabine wirkt als Blickfang und wertet zugleich durch ihren Nutzwert den jeweiligen Badestrand erheblich auf. Unsere CUBBY ist Umkleidekabine und zugleich Publikations – und Werbeträger im Freien – an Stränden, in Freibädern und Sportplätzen, also überall dort wo Sport und Baden angesagt sind.
Zwei Außenflächen stehen als Publikations – und Informationsfläche zur Verfügung, auf 15 qm Wandfläche bietet sie Platz für Plakat, Foto oder Grafik. Die Maße der Wände sind: Höhe der Seitenverkleidung = 1,60 m, Länge einer geschwungenen Seitenverkleidung = 4,47 m, Material der Wände Polycarbonat D = 4 mm.
Double compact cabin combines multiple advantages that make it highly innovative and functional. The greatest advantages of CUBBY are:
The structure of Cubby is made of thin-walled galvanized steel. The total mass of the dual cabin is about 200 kg. The total usable area with two separate entrances has 8 m².
Floor is made of pine wood or Bangkirai wood, which is more durable.
Polycarbonate walls resistant to negative impact of any weather conditions.
Light and stable construction that is easy and quick to assemble.
16 square meters of advertising area on the outer surface of the walls.
Interesting design which combines well with every kind of a landscape.
Our projects
One of the first beach changing room in Kryspinów near Cracow.
Beach chahnging room on Norderney Island off the North Sea coast of Germany.
Beach changing room in Norden-Norddeich on the North Sea coast.
Beach changing room on Norderney with outdoor advertising media to promote coffeehouse.
The Cubby on Norderney with advertising space to promote shop.
Beach changing room on Lake Długie in Rzepin. Beach changing room is one of the element which appeared after renovation of area.
Our clients about Cubby dressing rooms:
“People who visited Norderney are very pleased with beach changing room.”
“Beach changing room are really good quality, everyone want to take a selfie with picture of Klaus-Peter Wolf.”
“Outdoor advertising looks great and construction is very stable.”
Feel free to contact us!
We will answer every query
and we will prepare an offer according to your needs.
Marzena Jamrozik
Marketing and Sales Specialist
phone: +48 511 972 180